Archive for September, 2010
Bonne Journée
0The English word “journey” is from the French “journée,” meaning “day’s work.” In French to wish one a “Good Day,” one would say, “Bonne Journée”—to have a good day’s work. I like this idea that each and every day is a journey; a journey of exploring new and interesting things. This isn’t really conveyed in […]
It’s Nothing Personal, I Just Can’t Stand to be Around People
0Recently, at work, the conversation turned, somehow, towards my inability to be in large groups of people and my hyper-sensitivity to any sensory input. One co-worker quickly diagnosed me as having Asperger’s Syndrome. At first, I thought, “Cool, they have a name for what I have.” But upon further investigation, I found that even though Asperger’s—a […]
Phantoms of the Past
0Phantoms of the Past Phantoms of the past Transform to fears of the future; A fear of giving, A fear of loving and living. As I sit in my own corner of the world Within my mind shadows dance to well played tunes. They surge with time and pierce my soul to the core. My […]
Interchangeability of “I Know” and “I Believe”
0You would think that one would not have a problem separating what they know from what they believe. But Christians, when discussing their faith, will use these terms, perhaps unknowingly, to mean the same thing. I was witness to one such bizarre discussion this last Christmas. The discussion started out with the Christian believer stating […]
Hey, Abbott!
1Is it just me or has half the population been replaced by pod-people? I keep having these “smeg” moments of “How could you possibly not know that?” My first such experience was when I was only 20 and an acquaintance of similar age had never heard of Abbott and Costello. How could you not have heard of […]
0Several months ago, I bought a PlayStation 3 game console in order to play Final Fantasy XIII. The PS 3 comes with the PS network so you can buy games online and download them to the console. It also comes with a virtual socializing environment called PlayStation Home. For those of you who have never experienced social […]
Closet Atheist
0I think that I have been an atheist all of my life and never could admit it. I finally realized that I was an atheist about two years ago. It is ironic that a person of faith helped me realize that I had completely lost mine. My childhood dream had always been to be an […]
Don’t Panic
0That is easier said than done, if you are having a panic attack. For people who do not have them, I think that it is difficult for them to understand this disorder. Some may think that those who suffer from them are weak and should just “suck it up.” Panic Disorder is not merely a […]
Welcome to My Brain Running Version 4.x
0Many have compared the brain to a computer running software. In the last couple of years I have come to see that this is much more a reality than I had once thought. As computers our brains are not perfect; they get old and breakdown, causing the software to behave erratic. However, the software is […]