Archive for August, 2012

Hey, Mitt, Read the Lawsuit


On August 4th, Mitt Romney posted the following statement on his Facebook page: President Obama’s lawsuit claiming it is unconstitutional for Ohio to allow servicemen and women extended early voting privileges during the state’s early voting period is an outrage. The brave men and women of our military make tremendous sacrifices to protect and defend […]

Simplistic Answers to Complex Problems


One thing the Internet has done was to expand the proliferation of armchair philosophy and psychology in simple, catchy words of encouragement. I realize that many people, who frequently post such phrases are dealing with issues of their own and this is their way of dealing with them. Regardless, it has become irritating seeing these […]

Who Is Really Un-American?


I’ve noticed a recent trend among Obama’s opponents to further the idea that Obama is not an American. Since they have failed to prove that he was not born in American, they have resorted to putting into the minds of people that he is not an American, regardless of what his birth certificate states. How are […]

Playing the Martyr


While the big Chick-fil-a hullabaloo was going on, I had an internet debate with an acquaintance concerning same-sex marriage. I made the obvious point that at the heart of the Chick-fil-a debate was discrimination and civil rights. “It is not a matter of religious belief, it is a matter of equal rights. It it not an attack […]

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