Archive for November, 2012
If Everyone Was Like That, the Human Race Would Die
0In order to justify their stance of discrimination, I have heard it said, “If all people were born gay, the human race would die out. It goes against nature.” Nature and humankind is about wonderful diversity. I will let that sink in for a moment; humankind is full of diversity. There are denizens of conditions […]
Home Firing Line: An Adults-Only Home Debated
0For the past year and a half, I have been writing for HomeStation Magazine. It is an Internet magazine that focuses on a Sony virtual world program call PlayStation Home, which has a minimum age of 13. There are some parental controls to apply some restrictions to non-adult users, via sub-accounts. In this article, I […]
Portal 2: A Doorway to Puzzle Solving
0In this article for HomeStation Magazine, I write about the video game Portal 2. It is a very unique game. It is a real-space problem solving game. Portal 2: A Doorway to Puzzle Solving Portal 2. It’s been with us for a while now. So let’s take a look back and see how it holds […]