Archive for December, 2012

Response to Mike Huckabee’s “Where Was God?”
0[Author’s note: Originally, this was a response to Mike Huckabee’s “Where was God?” video he posted on Facebook, but since then many others—James Dobson and Newt Gingrich, for two—have voiced the same remarks, directly or indirectly blaming the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting on our secular society. Although, it is a response to Mr. Huckabee, […]

Why Do You Care Whether People Say Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays?
0As December rolled around this year, it was the same, as past years, with some beating of the drum that Christianity is under attack, by the usage of Happy Holidays. Some are making it vocal, on the internet, that they don’t say Happy Holidays, but say Merry Christmas. I have no problem with that and […]
No Simple Answers to Shootings
1In the wake of the recent shooting tragedies, there have been a rash of statements by pundits, stating that such-and-such is the cause of the shootings; it is the media’s fault, it is video games, there are too many guns, there are too few guns, it is crazy people that kill and not guns, and […]
HSM Article: Realistic Experiences, Not Reality
0Virtual worlds and games are creating increasingly more realistic environments. How much do we want them to match the real world? Realistic Experiences, Not Reality There is a distinction between making a game realistic, as opposed to a mirror of reality. One encompasses more possibilities while another limits its scope to what reality may allow. […]
True Meaning of “True”
0Today, on the way home from work, I was standing on the train station platform. Across the tracks on the wall are billboard ads. You can find an ad for just about anything. This one billboard, directly across from me, was advertising an upcoming movie. What caught my eye was the tag line across the […]