Roger Gibby
Professionally, I am a computer programmer. I am an old dinosaur, who started out on mainframe computers and lived through the PC revolution. I acknowledge my shortcomings and my imperfections. I have an unrelenting desire to know "Why?" Writing gives me the outlet to explore the answers to these questions. Daily, my brain battles against its inherent tendency to believe, hoping to integrate rational thinking, logic and science in all it considers.
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Posts by Roger Gibby

On Dealing With Aging
0Today marks the end of the latest life experience of a complete revolution of the earth around the sun and another begins. Life is full of endings and beginnings. After experiencing the fiftieth revolution, the realization hit me that I had lived more than half my life. Time was precious and felt as if it […]

Sacred Cows
1Recently, I was discussing, with a friend, the facts concerning the 911 Truthers’ conspiracy theory. As I countered his arguments, he claimed that I was holding onto “sacred cows,” as I would not acknowledge the “evidence” that WTC7 could not have come down without demolition explosives. What struck me, with this statement, was that, although, his […]

What Can We Learn from Creationists’ 22 Questions/Messages?
0After the debate between Bill Nye and Ken Ham, Matt Stopera, of BuzzFeed, had self-proclaimed creationists write a question or message for the other side. The article featured images of the people holding their question or message.[1] Several people have written articles, responding directly to each of these 22 questions and statements.[2][3] Although I would have […]

Social Commentary in Games: Bioshock Infinite
0[Warning: This article discusses the video game Bioshock Infinite and contains spoilers.] Video games, like science fiction are bounded only by the creator’s imagination. They both provide alternate realities that can provide a culture or world, as a canvas, to make social commentary. In the 1960’s, Gene Roddenberry’s original Star Trek series had scripts that […]

Does Evolution Prove There Is No God?
0As a scientist I claim no new proofs, no revolutionary data, no stunning insight into nature that can tip the balance in one direction or another. But I do claim that to a believer, even in the most traditional sense, evolutionary biology is not at all the obstacle we often believe it to be. – […]

HSM Article: Reboot of Lara Croft
0It seems that game developers have a difficulty in creating believable women characters. However, Rhianna Pratchett, writer of the new Tomb Raider, has done an excellent job at bringing to life a realistic character. Here are my thoughts about the second reboot of Lara Croft. Reboot of Lara Croft The revamp of Tomb Raider is […]

0For close to the last ten years, my music of choice has been shoegazing music, or as it is more simply referred to as shoegaze. When I mention shoegaze, it is usually met with blank, inquisitive stares. Shoegaze was first used to describe music bands in the late 1980s. The main identifying element of shoegaze […]

Save the Dome for Films Like “From Up On Poppy Hill”
0The 2011 Hayao Miyazaki, beautifully hand-drawn, animated film, From Up On Poppy Hill, has made its way to the US and is now playing in theaters. Around the San Francisco bay area, From Up On Poppy Hill is playing in a few art-house theaters. This greatly reduces the chance of many people seeing this wonderful […]