Roger Gibby

Roger Gibby

Professionally, I am a computer programmer. I am an old dinosaur, who started out on mainframe computers and lived through the PC revolution. I acknowledge my shortcomings and my imperfections. I have an unrelenting desire to know "Why?" Writing gives me the outlet to explore the answers to these questions. Daily, my brain battles against its inherent tendency to believe, hoping to integrate rational thinking, logic and science in all it considers.

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Posts by Roger Gibby

HSM Article: Realistic Experiences, Not Reality


Virtual worlds and games are creating increasingly more realistic environments. How much do we want them to match the real world? Realistic Experiences, Not Reality There is a distinction between making a game realistic, as opposed to a mirror of reality. One encompasses more possibilities while another limits its scope to what reality may allow. […]

BART Hall of Infamy


Riding on public transportation can be quite entertaining. You never really know who will be getting on the train. My place of work is along the rapid transit train route in the San Francisco Bay Area, which allows me to partake of the colorful characters, who frequent the BART rail system. There are no “No […]

True Meaning of “True”


Today, on the way home from work, I was standing on the train station platform. Across the tracks on the wall are billboard ads. You can find an ad for just about anything. This one billboard, directly across from me, was advertising an upcoming movie. What caught my eye was the tag line across the […]

If Everyone Was Like That, the Human Race Would Die


In order to justify their stance of discrimination, I have heard it said, “If all people were born gay, the human race would die out. It goes against nature.” Nature and humankind is about wonderful diversity. I will let that sink in for a moment; humankind is full of diversity. There are denizens of conditions […]

Portal 2: A Doorway to Puzzle Solving


In this article for HomeStation Magazine, I write about the video game Portal 2. It is a very unique game. It is a real-space problem solving game. Portal 2: A Doorway to Puzzle Solving Portal 2. It’s been with us for a while now. So let’s take a look back and see how it holds […]

In-Group/Out-Group Bias, Obama’s Father and World War II


I posed this question to a co-worker, “If you heard a well-known person say that his father served in World War II, when there was no way he would have been old enough, would you lambaste that person as a liar or would you say, ‘Hey, that makes no sense for him to say that. […]

More Than One Can Bear


A week ago, I wrote an entry about the simplistic inspirational phrases that are appearing on the Internet, many of which have religious overtones. These phrases are intended to give people support and help them get through tough times. This may help with common, minor problems that people have all the time, but major problems […]

Hey, Mitt, Read the Lawsuit


On August 4th, Mitt Romney posted the following statement on his Facebook page: President Obama’s lawsuit claiming it is unconstitutional for Ohio to allow servicemen and women extended early voting privileges during the state’s early voting period is an outrage. The brave men and women of our military make tremendous sacrifices to protect and defend […]

Simplistic Answers to Complex Problems


One thing the Internet has done was to expand the proliferation of armchair philosophy and psychology in simple, catchy words of encouragement. I realize that many people, who frequently post such phrases are dealing with issues of their own and this is their way of dealing with them. Regardless, it has become irritating seeing these […]

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