Life, the Universe and Everything

012 years
by Roger Gibby
in Entertainment
For close to the last ten years, my music of choice has been shoegazing music, or as it is more simply referred to as shoegaze. When I mention shoegaze, it is usually met with blank, inquisitive stares. Shoegaze was first used to describe music bands in the late 1980s. The main identifying element of shoegaze […]

Save the Dome for Films Like “From Up On Poppy Hill”
012 years
by Roger Gibby
in Entertainment
The 2011 Hayao Miyazaki, beautifully hand-drawn, animated film, From Up On Poppy Hill, has made its way to the US and is now playing in theaters. Around the San Francisco bay area, From Up On Poppy Hill is playing in a few art-house theaters. This greatly reduces the chance of many people seeing this wonderful […]