Faith and Science
Is there a balance to be had between faith and science? Does one lose their faith in order to follow science?

Sacred Cows
1Recently, I was discussing, with a friend, the facts concerning the 911 Truthers’ conspiracy theory. As I countered his arguments, he claimed that I was holding onto “sacred cows,” as I would not acknowledge the “evidence” that WTC7 could not have come down without demolition explosives. What struck me, with this statement, was that, although, his […]

What Can We Learn from Creationists’ 22 Questions/Messages?
0After the debate between Bill Nye and Ken Ham, Matt Stopera, of BuzzFeed, had self-proclaimed creationists write a question or message for the other side. The article featured images of the people holding their question or message.[1] Several people have written articles, responding directly to each of these 22 questions and statements.[2][3] Although I would have […]

Does Evolution Prove There Is No God?
0As a scientist I claim no new proofs, no revolutionary data, no stunning insight into nature that can tip the balance in one direction or another. But I do claim that to a believer, even in the most traditional sense, evolutionary biology is not at all the obstacle we often believe it to be. – […]

Intelligent Design?
0Some proponents of Intelligent Design use the eye as an example of God’s intelligent design that is irreducibly complex, which had been created intact as it is today. No component of the eye, by itself, could have been of any use. Therefore, evolution could not have produced an eye, only a creator with a design plan. […]