Gamers and gaming

Social Commentary in Games: Bioshock Infinite
0[Warning: This article discusses the video game Bioshock Infinite and contains spoilers.] Video games, like science fiction are bounded only by the creator’s imagination. They both provide alternate realities that can provide a culture or world, as a canvas, to make social commentary. In the 1960’s, Gene Roddenberry’s original Star Trek series had scripts that […]

HSM Article: Reboot of Lara Croft
0It seems that game developers have a difficulty in creating believable women characters. However, Rhianna Pratchett, writer of the new Tomb Raider, has done an excellent job at bringing to life a realistic character. Here are my thoughts about the second reboot of Lara Croft. Reboot of Lara Croft The revamp of Tomb Raider is […]
HSM Article: Realistic Experiences, Not Reality
0Virtual worlds and games are creating increasingly more realistic environments. How much do we want them to match the real world? Realistic Experiences, Not Reality There is a distinction between making a game realistic, as opposed to a mirror of reality. One encompasses more possibilities while another limits its scope to what reality may allow. […]
Home Firing Line: An Adults-Only Home Debated
0For the past year and a half, I have been writing for HomeStation Magazine. It is an Internet magazine that focuses on a Sony virtual world program call PlayStation Home, which has a minimum age of 13. There are some parental controls to apply some restrictions to non-adult users, via sub-accounts. In this article, I […]
Portal 2: A Doorway to Puzzle Solving
0In this article for HomeStation Magazine, I write about the video game Portal 2. It is a very unique game. It is a real-space problem solving game. Portal 2: A Doorway to Puzzle Solving Portal 2. It’s been with us for a while now. So let’s take a look back and see how it holds […]