Me 5.x
Our brains are much like computers, determining how we behave and think. This is where I explore the quirks of the software Me 5.x that is running on my brain.

Sacred Cows
1Recently, I was discussing, with a friend, the facts concerning the 911 Truthers’ conspiracy theory. As I countered his arguments, he claimed that I was holding onto “sacred cows,” as I would not acknowledge the “evidence” that WTC7 could not have come down without demolition explosives. What struck me, with this statement, was that, although, his […]
Is There a Point to Praying?
0Prayer, does it work? No one really knows for sure. Is that really true? The old saying goes, “Work like it all depends on you and pray like it all depends on God.” Or “God helps those, who help themselves.” On the face value it makes sense that God is not just going to hand […]
How Did the People I Knew 20 to 30 Years Ago Become So Conservative?
0In the last six months, I have reacquainted myself with people who I knew twenty to thirty years ago and almost all of them are very conservative in politics and thought (whereas, if you haven’t read any of my blogs, I am a very rational liberal, who thrives on scientific knowledge and equality for all […]
Better Than Therapy
0In a previous entry, I wrote about my social anxiety and about seeing a psychiatrist. The only solutions the psychiatrist could offer me were the following: meditation, pills, and tell him my troubles on a regular basis. Although it felt good to have someone listen to my problems, I can’t imagine it being healthy to […]
Musical Memories
0Music has always been a part of my life and it is no wonder that selling music and music players is such a big business. There is so much that humans emotionally attach to music. Music can recall experiences with all the feelings that are tied to those experiences. I’ve had people tell me that […]
How Did I Get To Be Old?
1I’ve been feeling really old lately. Not just because of the aches and pains that one feels as the years pile up, but it now seems that everyone that I meet is younger than me. A co-worker recently commented that I was over twice his age. The office manager needed help bringing boxes up the […]
I’m Listening…
0I never thought the day would come that I would go to a shrink. I saw that there were two types of the people who go to shrinks: Self absorbed Hollywood types who exagerate their problems and those who did not want to face up to what they already knew they should do. For a […]
It’s Nothing Personal, I Just Can’t Stand to be Around People
0Recently, at work, the conversation turned, somehow, towards my inability to be in large groups of people and my hyper-sensitivity to any sensory input. One co-worker quickly diagnosed me as having Asperger’s Syndrome. At first, I thought, “Cool, they have a name for what I have.” But upon further investigation, I found that even though Asperger’s—a […]
Don’t Panic
0That is easier said than done, if you are having a panic attack. For people who do not have them, I think that it is difficult for them to understand this disorder. Some may think that those who suffer from them are weak and should just “suck it up.” Panic Disorder is not merely a […]