Random observations on life.
Why Do You Care Whether People Say Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays?
0As December rolled around this year, it was the same, as past years, with some beating of the drum that Christianity is under attack, by the usage of Happy Holidays. Some are making it vocal, on the internet, that they don’t say Happy Holidays, but say Merry Christmas. I have no problem with that and […]
True Meaning of “True”
0Today, on the way home from work, I was standing on the train station platform. Across the tracks on the wall are billboard ads. You can find an ad for just about anything. This one billboard, directly across from me, was advertising an upcoming movie. What caught my eye was the tag line across the […]
If Everyone Was Like That, the Human Race Would Die
0In order to justify their stance of discrimination, I have heard it said, “If all people were born gay, the human race would die out. It goes against nature.” Nature and humankind is about wonderful diversity. I will let that sink in for a moment; humankind is full of diversity. There are denizens of conditions […]
In-Group/Out-Group Bias, Obama’s Father and World War II
0I posed this question to a co-worker, “If you heard a well-known person say that his father served in World War II, when there was no way he would have been old enough, would you lambaste that person as a liar or would you say, ‘Hey, that makes no sense for him to say that. […]
Where Will It End?
0While discussing marriage equality, one person argued that you couldn’t allow same-sex marriage because “where would it end?” If same-sex marriage was allowed, it wouldn’t end there with two consenting adults; People would want to marry their dog or some other strange nonsense. Nevermind that it is demeaning to equate a human to an animal. […]
Is There a Point to Praying?
0Prayer, does it work? No one really knows for sure. Is that really true? The old saying goes, “Work like it all depends on you and pray like it all depends on God.” Or “God helps those, who help themselves.” On the face value it makes sense that God is not just going to hand […]
Choosey Beggars, Pt. 2 (or the Exact Opposite)
0I was pleasantly surprised when a beggar actually let me take him to the grocery. I was folding up my bike outside of my office, when an elderly man approached me and tried to strike up a conversation that ended up with needing some help to get some food at Safeway. I politely informed him […]