Life, the Universe and Everything
When Reason Fails
At times people lose their sense to reason or incorporate their own style of reasoning.
Just When I Thought No One Could Be Crazier Than Sarah Palin …
014 years
… there then comes along Christine O’Donnell. What bugs me about people like Sarah Palin and Christine O’Donnell is not that they wear their religion on their sleeves, but that they voice their non-scientific beliefs as if they were truth and science fact as if it were false. O’Donnell, on Bill Maher’s former show “Politically Incorrect,” […]
Hey, Abbott!
114 years
by Roger Gibby
in When Reason Fails
Is it just me or has half the population been replaced by pod-people? I keep having these “smeg” moments of “How could you possibly not know that?” My first such experience was when I was only 20 and an acquaintance of similar age had never heard of Abbott and Costello. How could you not have heard of […]