Testing Faith
If I was still a believer, these would be things that test my faith. Why is there so much suffering in the world? Why has God turned his back on his children?
Playing the Martyr
0While the big Chick-fil-a hullabaloo was going on, I had an internet debate with an acquaintance concerning same-sex marriage. I made the obvious point that at the heart of the Chick-fil-a debate was discrimination and civil rights. “It is not a matter of religious belief, it is a matter of equal rights. It it not an attack […]
Where Will It End?
0While discussing marriage equality, one person argued that you couldn’t allow same-sex marriage because “where would it end?” If same-sex marriage was allowed, it wouldn’t end there with two consenting adults; People would want to marry their dog or some other strange nonsense. Nevermind that it is demeaning to equate a human to an animal. […]
Is There a Point to Praying?
0Prayer, does it work? No one really knows for sure. Is that really true? The old saying goes, “Work like it all depends on you and pray like it all depends on God.” Or “God helps those, who help themselves.” On the face value it makes sense that God is not just going to hand […]
Rational Thinking is Not Anti-Belief
0When discussing the facts of science and spiritual beliefs, some interpret my advising them of the facts as an attack on their belief in God. I do no such thing. God can exist within the scientific world (no matter how unlikely that may be) and scientists, such as Kenneth Miller, have written on the subject. […]
Just When I Thought No One Could Be Crazier Than Sarah Palin …
0… there then comes along Christine O’Donnell. What bugs me about people like Sarah Palin and Christine O’Donnell is not that they wear their religion on their sleeves, but that they voice their non-scientific beliefs as if they were truth and science fact as if it were false. O’Donnell, on Bill Maher’s former show “Politically Incorrect,” […]
Interchangeability of “I Know” and “I Believe”
0You would think that one would not have a problem separating what they know from what they believe. But Christians, when discussing their faith, will use these terms, perhaps unknowingly, to mean the same thing. I was witness to one such bizarre discussion this last Christmas. The discussion started out with the Christian believer stating […]
Closet Atheist
0I think that I have been an atheist all of my life and never could admit it. I finally realized that I was an atheist about two years ago. It is ironic that a person of faith helped me realize that I had completely lost mine. My childhood dream had always been to be an […]