Virtual Societies

Technology has advance so far that we have now create worlds that exist entirely within a computer simulated environment. What social challenges do these worlds present us?

HSM Article: Realistic Experiences, Not Reality


Virtual worlds and games are creating increasingly more realistic environments. How much do we want them to match the real world? Realistic Experiences, Not Reality There is a distinction between making a game realistic, as opposed to a mirror of reality. One encompasses more possibilities while another limits its scope to what reality may allow. […]

Rational Thinking is Not Anti-Belief


When discussing the facts of science and spiritual beliefs, some interpret my advising them of the facts as an attack on their belief in God. I do no such thing. God can exist within the scientific world (no matter how unlikely that may be) and scientists, such as Kenneth Miller, have written on the subject. […]

The Anonymity of the Internet


A week ago I saw an article about the unabashed racist comments on the Internet that you don’t hear in public conversations. At the start of the article, the author of the piece asks several rhetorical questions, concerning what this means: Is racism on the rise or has the progress in race relations been an illusion? […]



Several months ago, I bought a PlayStation 3 game console in order to play Final Fantasy XIII. The PS 3 comes with the PS network so you can buy games online and download them to the console. It also comes with a virtual socializing environment called PlayStation Home. For those of you who have never experienced social […]

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