Choosey Beggars, Pt. 2 (or the Exact Opposite)
I was pleasantly surprised when a beggar actually let me take him to the grocery. I was folding up my bike outside of my office, when an elderly man approached me and tried to strike up a conversation that ended up with needing some help to get some food at Safeway.
I politely informed him that I don’t hand out money, but I would gladly take him shopping and buy for him what he needed. I was expecting him to make up some excuses for why he had to have the money, but he did not.
He accepted my offer with thanks and without question. I also said that I needed to take my bike into the office and that I would be back. He was still there when I returned. On the way over to Safeway, he talked. He had a family and he was grateful.
As he was picking out things to buy, he was very concerned about picking out the cheapest or smallest items. He also picked out items that I would have if I was in his situation.
I paid for the food and we parted with him thanking me. As I walked back to the office, my step was lighter and turned the normal drudgery of Monday mornings into a brighter experience.
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