Today, I am taking a break for some levity. Humor and having a laugh Is important to our health and well-being. I see something almost on a weekly basis that makes me chuckle. There are two flavors: one that makes me smile and is heart-warming; the other make me shake my head in wonder. An example of the first kind was a grown woman, with ear buds, skipping to the stairs on the BART train platform. It made me think, “Now there is as person that knows how to have fun and still has a sense of her inner-child.

Now for the other kind that is of the “What were you thinking?” variety. Let me set it up by posing a question: How far down does a guy have to wear his pants for it to stop being a fashion statement and becomes indecent exposure?

While walking out of the trainstation after work earlier this week, I noticed a teenager displaying a fullmoon of grey tight breifs just above the waist of his baggy jeans. For a moment, I pondered what defiance of physics he was he employing to keep them from tripping him as they fell completely to the ground. Then I realized, he must be holding on for dear life to the front of his pants with both hands.

He was very fashionable right down to the hoodie with the hood donned. Oh, wait. Maybe, he had another another reason to have the hood hiding his face.