I think that I have been an atheist all of my life and never could admit it. I finally realized that I was an atheist about two years ago. It is ironic that a person of faith helped me realize that I had completely lost mine.

My childhood dream had always been to be an astronomer, so my religion was constantly at odds with the rational scientist. I’ve been in denial most of my life of the incongruity between God and what is experienced in the world. I always accepted the truthfulness of the Big Bang and evolution, but turn a blind eye towards the absurdity of God creating a species, who would worship him, in this manner.

No doubt there have been and there will be other species on other planets in our universe. Maybe God is just managing his schedule and I am focused only on one of his agenda items, but the time schedule for God to wait for humans to appear and worship him seems incomprehensible. The universe is nearly 14 billion years old. The age of the earth is about 4.5 billion years old. Humans branched off about 6 million years ago. Homo Sapiens first emerged around 250,000. It is believed by many that the creation recorded in the Bible happened around 6,000 years ago and we will use this date as when man first worshiped the God of the Bible.

So, God 14 billion years ago, as the First Cause, caused the Big Bang to occur. He lets galaxies and solar systems form on their own. After waiting ten billion years, our sun with its planets formulate. Waiting nearly another 4 billion years, with the luck of an asteroid that allowed mammals to emerge, the human species emerges. Many human branches die off and then after 5.75 million year Homo Sapiens appear. But it still won’t be another 250,000 years before they will worship the God of the Bible. 14 billion years in total for God to wait for someone on earth to worship him. That is a heck of long time to wait.

Some believers will say, “Hey wait a minute. God time and humans time is different.” Based on an interpretation of a single obscure verse, many believe that a God-day is equal to 1,000 of our years. But even with this reckoning, the interval of waiting would still be incredible. God would still have to wait 14 million God-years to see if his experiment would pan-out with creatures that would worship him. It just seems ridiculous. No wonder people of faith choose to ignore the facts of science because it would mean facing the absurdity of what they believe.