Playing the Martyr
0While the big Chick-fil-a hullabaloo was going on, I had an internet debate with an acquaintance concerning same-sex marriage. I made the obvious point that at the heart of the Chick-fil-a debate was discrimination and civil rights. “It is not a matter of religious belief, it is a matter of equal rights. It it not an attack […]
Where Will It End?
0While discussing marriage equality, one person argued that you couldn’t allow same-sex marriage because “where would it end?” If same-sex marriage was allowed, it wouldn’t end there with two consenting adults; People would want to marry their dog or some other strange nonsense. Nevermind that it is demeaning to equate a human to an animal. […]
Is There a Point to Praying?
0Prayer, does it work? No one really knows for sure. Is that really true? The old saying goes, “Work like it all depends on you and pray like it all depends on God.” Or “God helps those, who help themselves.” On the face value it makes sense that God is not just going to hand […]
Choosey Beggars, Pt. 2 (or the Exact Opposite)
0I was pleasantly surprised when a beggar actually let me take him to the grocery. I was folding up my bike outside of my office, when an elderly man approached me and tried to strike up a conversation that ended up with needing some help to get some food at Safeway. I politely informed him […]
Resistance Is Futile
0So here I am on the BART train, typing this blog entry into my smart phone and I am wondering how did I ever get by without one for so long. I had resisted getting one until a couple of months ago, when we needed new phones. I had been afraid that it would be […]
How Did the People I Knew 20 to 30 Years Ago Become So Conservative?
0In the last six months, I have reacquainted myself with people who I knew twenty to thirty years ago and almost all of them are very conservative in politics and thought (whereas, if you haven’t read any of my blogs, I am a very rational liberal, who thrives on scientific knowledge and equality for all […]
Better Than Therapy
0In a previous entry, I wrote about my social anxiety and about seeing a psychiatrist. The only solutions the psychiatrist could offer me were the following: meditation, pills, and tell him my troubles on a regular basis. Although it felt good to have someone listen to my problems, I can’t imagine it being healthy to […]