Life, the Universe and Everything
Posts tagged Big Island

WWOOF – World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms
012 years
by Roger Gibby
in Musings
Vacations can reveal a wealth of hidden treasures, waiting to be found, if one goes looking. We found one such jewel, while on the Big Island. We had gone off the main highway to look for a coffee farm. The farm appeared to be closed, so we went exploring. We came across a sign for […]

“Don’t Think. Pray.”
012 years
While vacationing with my family on the Big Island in the Hawaiian Islands, we drove past a sign, hanging on a cross, that said, “Don’t Think. Pray.” Actually, we drove past it many times, as it was on a main highway that traversed the West coastline, Highway 11 around mile marker 109. After seeing the […]