Life, the Universe and Everything
Posts tagged Creationism

What Can We Learn from Creationists’ 22 Questions/Messages?
011 years
After the debate between Bill Nye and Ken Ham, Matt Stopera, of BuzzFeed, had self-proclaimed creationists write a question or message for the other side. The article featured images of the people holding their question or message.[1] Several people have written articles, responding directly to each of these 22 questions and statements.[2][3] Although I would have […]

“Don’t Think. Pray.”
012 years
While vacationing with my family on the Big Island in the Hawaiian Islands, we drove past a sign, hanging on a cross, that said, “Don’t Think. Pray.” Actually, we drove past it many times, as it was on a main highway that traversed the West coastline, Highway 11 around mile marker 109. After seeing the […]