Posts tagged gun control

Legal Gun Concealment Scares the Hell Out of Me
0The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting is one in a long list of shootings that has prompted discussion on gun control. Some calling for stricter gun control laws. While, others fight hard against any changes to the existing gun laws. Regardless of what changes, if any, to the gun control laws that are currently on […]

Response to Mike Huckabee’s “Where Was God?”
0[Author’s note: Originally, this was a response to Mike Huckabee’s “Where was God?” video he posted on Facebook, but since then many others—James Dobson and Newt Gingrich, for two—have voiced the same remarks, directly or indirectly blaming the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting on our secular society. Although, it is a response to Mr. Huckabee, […]
No Simple Answers to Shootings
1In the wake of the recent shooting tragedies, there have been a rash of statements by pundits, stating that such-and-such is the cause of the shootings; it is the media’s fault, it is video games, there are too many guns, there are too few guns, it is crazy people that kill and not guns, and […]