Posts tagged Kenneth Miller

Does Evolution Prove There Is No God?
0As a scientist I claim no new proofs, no revolutionary data, no stunning insight into nature that can tip the balance in one direction or another. But I do claim that to a believer, even in the most traditional sense, evolutionary biology is not at all the obstacle we often believe it to be. – […]

“Don’t Think. Pray.”
0While vacationing with my family on the Big Island in the Hawaiian Islands, we drove past a sign, hanging on a cross, that said, “Don’t Think. Pray.” Actually, we drove past it many times, as it was on a main highway that traversed the West coastline, Highway 11 around mile marker 109. After seeing the […]
Rational Thinking is Not Anti-Belief
0When discussing the facts of science and spiritual beliefs, some interpret my advising them of the facts as an attack on their belief in God. I do no such thing. God can exist within the scientific world (no matter how unlikely that may be) and scientists, such as Kenneth Miller, have written on the subject. […]