Life, the Universe and Everything
Posts tagged Richard Dawkins

Intelligent Design?
012 years
Some proponents of Intelligent Design use the eye as an example of God’s intelligent design that is irreducibly complex, which had been created intact as it is today. No component of the eye, by itself, could have been of any use. Therefore, evolution could not have produced an eye, only a creator with a design plan. […]
Just When I Thought No One Could Be Crazier Than Sarah Palin …
014 years
… there then comes along Christine O’Donnell. What bugs me about people like Sarah Palin and Christine O’Donnell is not that they wear their religion on their sleeves, but that they voice their non-scientific beliefs as if they were truth and science fact as if it were false. O’Donnell, on Bill Maher’s former show “Politically Incorrect,” […]