Posts tagged science

Sacred Cows
1Recently, I was discussing, with a friend, the facts concerning the 911 Truthers’ conspiracy theory. As I countered his arguments, he claimed that I was holding onto “sacred cows,” as I would not acknowledge the “evidence” that WTC7 could not have come down without demolition explosives. What struck me, with this statement, was that, although, his […]

What Can We Learn from Creationists’ 22 Questions/Messages?
0After the debate between Bill Nye and Ken Ham, Matt Stopera, of BuzzFeed, had self-proclaimed creationists write a question or message for the other side. The article featured images of the people holding their question or message.[1] Several people have written articles, responding directly to each of these 22 questions and statements.[2][3] Although I would have […]

Does Evolution Prove There Is No God?
0As a scientist I claim no new proofs, no revolutionary data, no stunning insight into nature that can tip the balance in one direction or another. But I do claim that to a believer, even in the most traditional sense, evolutionary biology is not at all the obstacle we often believe it to be. – […]

“Don’t Think. Pray.”
0While vacationing with my family on the Big Island in the Hawaiian Islands, we drove past a sign, hanging on a cross, that said, “Don’t Think. Pray.” Actually, we drove past it many times, as it was on a main highway that traversed the West coastline, Highway 11 around mile marker 109. After seeing the […]

Intelligent Design?
0Some proponents of Intelligent Design use the eye as an example of God’s intelligent design that is irreducibly complex, which had been created intact as it is today. No component of the eye, by itself, could have been of any use. Therefore, evolution could not have produced an eye, only a creator with a design plan. […]
How Did the People I Knew 20 to 30 Years Ago Become So Conservative?
0In the last six months, I have reacquainted myself with people who I knew twenty to thirty years ago and almost all of them are very conservative in politics and thought (whereas, if you haven’t read any of my blogs, I am a very rational liberal, who thrives on scientific knowledge and equality for all […]
Rational Thinking is Not Anti-Belief
0When discussing the facts of science and spiritual beliefs, some interpret my advising them of the facts as an attack on their belief in God. I do no such thing. God can exist within the scientific world (no matter how unlikely that may be) and scientists, such as Kenneth Miller, have written on the subject. […]
Just When I Thought No One Could Be Crazier Than Sarah Palin …
0… there then comes along Christine O’Donnell. What bugs me about people like Sarah Palin and Christine O’Donnell is not that they wear their religion on their sleeves, but that they voice their non-scientific beliefs as if they were truth and science fact as if it were false. O’Donnell, on Bill Maher’s former show “Politically Incorrect,” […]