Posts tagged suffering

Simplistic Answers to Complex Problems


One thing the Internet has done was to expand the proliferation of armchair philosophy and psychology in simple, catchy words of encouragement. I realize that many people, who frequently post such phrases are dealing with issues of their own and this is their way of dealing with them. Regardless, it has become irritating seeing these […]

Is There a Point to Praying?


Prayer, does it work? No one really knows for sure. Is that really true? The old saying goes, “Work like it all depends on you and pray like it all depends on God.” Or “God helps those, who help themselves.” On the face value it makes sense that God is not just going to hand […]

How Did the People I Knew 20 to 30 Years Ago Become So Conservative?


In the last six months, I have reacquainted myself with people who I knew twenty to thirty years ago and almost all of them are very conservative in politics and thought (whereas, if you haven’t read any of my blogs, I am a very rational liberal, who thrives on scientific knowledge and equality for all […]

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