The Most Common Book I See Read While Commuting
Every day I ride the train to and from work. Some commuters listen to music, text, sleep, or stare blankly into space. But most read; Kindles, iPads, cell phone, and some the old-fashioned way with paper books and newspapers. Of course, reading the news is the most common thing read. But what is the most common thing read in book form? Most of the book titles that I see, seem to come in spurts, while it is popular and then they fade away. When the last Harry Potter movie was out there was a surge in readership of the Potter series of books. During the last presidental election, John McCain and Barack Obama books were popular. The current fad is “The Girl…” series of books. But throughout the ups and downs of all these book fads, there has been one book that has remained constant—the Bible. This morning there was a woman who had her massive Bible out on her lap, reading intently and stopping every once-in-awhile to write in the margins.
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